Thursday, May 12, 2011

Tutorial Eight and the end is in sight

Assistive technology generally refers to “broad range of devices, services, strategies, and practices that are conceived and applied to ameliorate the problems faced by individuals who have disabilities” (Cook & Hussey, 1995). So in real persons talk it pretty much includes everything used to help overcome challenges that people with disabilities have, or anything that makes it easier to do 'stuff'.

Well I was lucky enough to be in a different city when Dave came to speak about assistive technology. So I apparently missed out on a lot, especially considering all these other blogs have mentioned he happens to be an ex-model... Ah but that is life.

So instead of writing about the technology everyone else mentioned... Im going to link straight back to a wonderful thing i mentioned right at the beginning..... Word Q. This is a program that gets loaded onto your computer and makes typing easier. It predicts words from you typing in the first letter and means for people with reduced hand function they are able to work faster than they can unassisted. Success!

So, scroll down to my earlier posts and you will see all sorts of information (mostly just a video but it sounds better if I talk it up) about Word Q. 


Cook, A., & Hussey, S. (1995). Assistive technologies: Principles and practice. St. Louis: Mosby. 

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