Wednesday, April 13, 2011

"Overcoming Adversity"

We got to have fun and create videos with the theme of overcoming adversity. Watch and i hope you enjoy it.

As my blogger setup is refusing to allow me to post the video here is a link to the video on a classmates blog AnniesBlog: Our film "Displaced People"

So now that you (may have) seen our masterpiece its time for me to apparently go in depth about the process of making it.
First we started by trying to figure out what exactly we could do with out assigned topic. We were advised/instructed to do a story board though we used a slightly different and crazier method of deciding what we wanted to happen and to some extent making it up as we went although our main plans and ideas remained the same. It was really cool working in a group and bouncing ideas of each other and figuring out how crazy we could get and if we could involve lecturers.

Digital Imaging? Whats with all these complicated words?

So another set of words being thrown around are 'Digital Imaging'. This includes the photos we put up on facebook to show the awesome things we've been doing, Videos of friends doing silly things, and as I have personally discovered medical imaging of fractures and really gross pictures of inside your stomach if you're lucky enough to have had an endoscopy...
I talked in an earlier post about hardware and software a little bit and some cool examples of software that come in handy are movie maker and photoshop - click the link for an example of what can be done with Imaging software. Digital imaging use skyrocketed after the christchurch earthquake with cellphone videos and images being streamed to the news. CAT scans X-rays and MRI's are all ways of using digital imaging systems to see things that are inside without surgery.

"A new technology is rarely superior to an old one in every feature"
With respect to digital cameras this is an interesting quote. Digital cameras are becoming more high tech, my brother recently spent a ridiculous amount on a very fancy camera that comes in its own yellow hardcover waterproof (and possibly bombproof) case so that he can take really good pictures. This is an addition to his waterproof camera that goes kayaking with him and his other camera that got passed on to his girlfriend. The new camera is apparently the modern day equivalent of Dad's old film camera that is sitting in the cupboard collecting dust. Perhaps technology is like money, when dad was a child 20c would buy enough lollies to satisfy a child for a week, however now that is more like $5-10. Just as inflation is taken into account when calculating comparisons for money, technological inflation is relevant to things such as cameras. Digital today means usable, film means sitting on the shelf. However as my brother just informed me "The highest quality digital images come from film cameras developed on slides then scanned onto a computer" so really these fancy digital cameras are not superior to the quality of film.

But what about ethics?
Well bold and italic heading that is a very good point, with the wide distribution of photos the issue of ethics arises. Putting photos of a 'social gathering' on facebook may be all very well but what happens when some of the people in the photos are uncomfortable with them being visible to friends family and co-workers? And what happens about ownership of photos because as i said in my previous post, once its posted you can't take it back.

Digital Imaging and Occupational Therapy
I had a cool experience on placement of making a flip chart for a lovely wee girl about how to make a sandwich. It was a step by step guide using pictures of her making the sandwich. The fact that it was pictures of her meant that it was a personal reminder and would be easier for her to follow and remember.

Digital Imaging and me!

A picture is worth a thousand words and looking through my old pictures allows me to re-live fond memories, and just because you are such a special reader I've put 5 pictures of my exploits at the very top of this from Japan and the NZ falcon reserve Wingspan. Enjoy.

Friday, April 8, 2011

All this Technological Jargon

Believe it o not technology is slowly overtaking our lives, typewriters have been phased out and Microsoft word has become the rule. A really cool definition of Information Technology comes from a website called describing it as "technology used for the study, understanding, planning, design, construction, testing, distribution, support and operations of software, computers and computer related systems that exist for the purpose of Data, Information and Knowledge processing." so pretty much everything to do with computers that involves information, data and learning. So why am I going on about IT? because until someone weird like me starts ranting about it you don't realise that most of your life has been consumed by IT. All of the work you do is usually recorded on a hard drive or database of some sort, I know that when I'm either flatting or at home there is one computer per person, I have an Ipod, and external hard drive and a 4gb memory stick to compliment my laptop which can communicate with both my camera and cell phone with a simple cable.

IT and me
Dad is always surprised at how easily the younger generation picks up new technologies, I think this is because we aren't afraid to pick something up and see what happens when we push the big red button, and if you cant solve it "google it". Hence why I'm not really daunted by any new programs or devices that are put in front of me, though if I was dealing with a new program and had no access to google for help I dare say I might be in a little trouble.

OT and IT
Ok that heading is mostly there because it looks cool, but as a second year Occupational Therapy (OT) student I am becoming more and more aware of how IT can be used therapeutically. On my first placement I was working mostly with children with Cerebral Palsy (Click the link if you aren't familiar with CP). Some of these children didn't have much delicate movement of their hands so many of them were using laptops with programs like WordQ that predicts the word as you type so that less keys have to be pushed.

Hopefully you can see at least a potential benefit of technologies like these for people with difficulty typing. Other interesting programs allow you to speak into a microphone and it types on the screen, very useful for a paraplegic friend of mine with minimal use of his hands. This is all very well to write about but its the practical use that is important. Programs like this could mean the difference between paid employment and being on the benefit, or independence and relying on a scribe.

Ethics and IT
All this technology is wonderful, you can read anything, write anything and go crazy. However the thing with the internet is that once it's out there you can't get it back. Once it is posted you can delete something but you have no way of knowing if anyone has copied it. Just as when you say something you cant retract it the same happens with txt, e-mail, or facebook. Intellectual property as defined by "is an umbrella term used for human innovations and creativity that are capable of being protected under national law and international treaties. IP includes a diverse range of commercial assets from patents for new inventions through to copyright protected artworks" so it's all of the things that people make and the copyrights covering them. Wisegeek describe Social Justice as a desire for equal justice for everyone in society, not just in a court room of course the link goes into far more depth than how I've described it. Another key term is Informed Consent and I've gone to yet another Wisegeek page, informed consent is generally thought of in reference to medical procedures where it is important for people to be fully informed of everything that is going on.

Hope you've learnt a little. Enjoy